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TDU Modding Tools-v1.3
20/Окт/2008, 20:24
This tool provides:
+ color exchange
+ texture converting to editable file types (and vice versa)
+ and more !

- searching in a list : global search available
- more colors have appeared in Colors Editor !
- DDS > 2DB and 2DB < DDS :
* source file can be drag&dropped into the corresponding field
* target file name is automatically set after the source is selected
* fields are cleant after a succesful operation
- BNK Tool : graphical interface made similar to other modules
- File Browser
* Able to open files : .MAP / .BNK / .2DB (DDS editor required) / TDUCarColors.*
* BNK Backup function
* Extraction of packed files in BNKs (some bugs remain though)
* last extract location is kept into memory, as long as browser window remains opened
- Parameters : TDU location setting

About colors : car colors editor is fully operational.
Only restriction for this point : some of the colors and car models are not clearly displayed (N/A). But new colors will be avaialble in next version.

As always, feel free to contact me if you encounter problems, bugs, ... by sending a private message in the forum.

Djey @ www.testdriveunlimited.fr

Категория: Mods TDU | Добавил: AndrSRUS
Просмотров: 1816 | Загрузок: 25 | Рейтинг: 4.0/3
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